Skara Brae came into existence..... I have never been near such sophisticated existence of a Neolithic people.... stone houses with tiny ponds for holding large fish until it was time to eat them, wardrobe styled openings in walls, a sophisticated understanding of heat control and flow...... it was all present in these uncovered dwellings of Neolithic people who lived here in the Orkney Islands when it was warmer,,, So I absorbed Skara Brae
Slammed into the spiritual ice with the Stones of Brogdar.... a huge circle of standing stones covering a greater area than Stonehenge... on a hill ... but why?The the Sentinel and s on. Across the fields there were isolated standing stones waiting... but I cannot know for who.
It was a huge day as I went to some of the places that I wanted to find out about... and now my understanding of Viking history has improved....
More mounds of seafood for dinner...
Tomorrow we finish here at Orkney , travel back to the mainland and down a hidden road to Inverness then off to the West Coast and the vatius sights to be seen.....
I aso so tired... will take a day off when we get back from Scotland. Will organise a heap of pics when I get back,.....
Slammed into the spiritual ice with the Stones of Brogdar.... a huge circle of standing stones covering a greater area than Stonehenge... on a hill ... but why?The the Sentinel and s on. Across the fields there were isolated standing stones waiting... but I cannot know for who.
It was a huge day as I went to some of the places that I wanted to find out about... and now my understanding of Viking history has improved....
More mounds of seafood for dinner...
Tomorrow we finish here at Orkney , travel back to the mainland and down a hidden road to Inverness then off to the West Coast and the vatius sights to be seen.....
I aso so tired... will take a day off when we get back from Scotland. Will organise a heap of pics when I get back,.....