It might seem unreal to many folk and also highly improbable, but one can wait forever for something to happen......... for that right meeting, for that right moment....
Today was my moment!
Thousands of years ago, Mme Zazusch showed me a picture of the Camargue and the horses that are an integral part of that area....... she spoke of the freedom and the wildness of these creatures....... she showed me a photo of these amazing white animals, racing through the water. It spoke to me of beauty and freedom, of possibilities and joy............. and I remembered that wonderful French teacher of mine as she spoke of the Camargue.....
I met Geoffrey.....................
That white dashing steed............. splashing through the Camargue waters... taking me into flight...............
Here we are... Geoffrey( alias Mimi) and me......... see the modern boring flats in the background? Well worn road? Murky water to the left?
I whispered words to Geoffrey.............. How does it feel to be carrying just another tourist over the same old same old road, Geoffrey? Don't you hate it when these hopeless riders get on your back and you just plod out, walking and hating it.... how can you like this?
I wondered where the free horse of the Camargue had gone..... around this area there are many many horse riding places cos everyone wants to ride a horse on the Camargue....
There was a sadness and resignation to the horses.............. I don't believe that they actually roam free anymore........ in Iceland the horses are let loose every night.......
Here there is too much value in the tourism industry and the poor animals are slaves to that.............. the whole town of Les Saintes Maries de -la-Mer is in the clasp of the tourist dollar........ totally and blatantly...........
There was no free wild horse of the Camargue......... I guess this was so for the people too............ they were enslaved...............
This pink flamingo looked like it had been parked for the day!!!!!!
Today was my moment!
Thousands of years ago, Mme Zazusch showed me a picture of the Camargue and the horses that are an integral part of that area....... she spoke of the freedom and the wildness of these creatures....... she showed me a photo of these amazing white animals, racing through the water. It spoke to me of beauty and freedom, of possibilities and joy............. and I remembered that wonderful French teacher of mine as she spoke of the Camargue.....
I met Geoffrey.....................
That white dashing steed............. splashing through the Camargue waters... taking me into flight...............
Here we are... Geoffrey( alias Mimi) and me......... see the modern boring flats in the background? Well worn road? Murky water to the left?
I whispered words to Geoffrey.............. How does it feel to be carrying just another tourist over the same old same old road, Geoffrey? Don't you hate it when these hopeless riders get on your back and you just plod out, walking and hating it.... how can you like this?
I wondered where the free horse of the Camargue had gone..... around this area there are many many horse riding places cos everyone wants to ride a horse on the Camargue....
There was a sadness and resignation to the horses.............. I don't believe that they actually roam free anymore........ in Iceland the horses are let loose every night.......
Here there is too much value in the tourism industry and the poor animals are slaves to that.............. the whole town of Les Saintes Maries de -la-Mer is in the clasp of the tourist dollar........ totally and blatantly...........
There was no free wild horse of the Camargue......... I guess this was so for the people too............ they were enslaved...............
This pink flamingo looked like it had been parked for the day!!!!!!
The Mighty Dollar and the ghastly muck for tourists.......... |
Found a lunch place in the back streets |
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